LTTA Meeting Portugal

Our next LTTA meeting will be held from April 15th to April 19th in the lovely town of Penalva do Castelo.

We will test and work on our online course about values as well as hold some workshops related to the themes of our project.

Newsletter Number 1

VALUES FOR Inclusive Dynamics

What is this project all about?

VALID is an Erasmus+ co-funded project that unites the work of four educational institutes and one private sector company, dedicated to Values Education and to its role in building more peaceful school environments.

How do we plan to do that?

By helping teachers develop initiatives and strategies for promoting pro-social behaviours and contributing to more effective conflict resolution in school

What are our aims?

To provide schools, educational institutions and teachers with the resources, competences and tools they need to integrate Common Values in their curriculum, in order to create a more inclusive environment and to embed these values both in the school culture and in the lives of all their stakeholders.

Promote common values at all levels of education;
Foster more positive attitude towards the European Union common values;
Provide opportunities for professional development support to teachers and educational institutions;
Enhance the acquisition of social and civic competences, fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of values and fundamental rights;
Encourage a European dimension of teaching, while strengthening the competence of national administrations in this field;
Offer a diverse range of support to teachers and educational institutions especially in the field of distant learning.

What results will we present ?

Although Erasmus+ is more about the process than the end results VALID will create AN ONLINE TEACHER COMMUNITY to share good practices, train, coach and guide teachers and AN OPEN ONLINE COURSE FOR VALUES EDUCATION to provide teachers with the competences and tools they need to make Common Values a part of their teaching.

What have we done so far?

Following on from a research and data collection stage, the first Transnational Project Meeting was held in Kusadasi, Turkey, to define methodologies and organizational details of the project’s development.

The project then continued nationally with the set tasks, followed by a Teaching Training Learning Activity in Talavera de la Reina, Spain, from the 30th January to 3rd February. Partners discussed the educational systems in their countries and the extend to which Values Education is represented in each of them. They were introduced to aspects of online learning and how these might be applied to values education. Learning materials for the online course and the types of available online learning platforms available were also analysed.

Similarly to the beauty of Kusadasi, its ancient culture, traditions, scents and flavours, Talavera de la Reina’s history, culture and the beauty of its ceramic tiles welcomed VALID’s partners. The city of Toledo gave participants the opportunity to experience a real-life example of coexistence of three different cultures and the importance of shared values such as Respect and Tolerance.
Also discussed were the values of Freedom, Democracy and Human Dignity, particularly ways of making students’ aware of the responsibility and limits they imply. Learning outcomes for an online course module on Values education was another important topic discussed at the meeting in Talavera, which successfully laid the foundation blocks on which the project will be developed.